Prokaryote pangenomes are dynamic entities


Prokaryote pangenomes are influenced heavily by environmental factors and the opportunity for gene gain and loss events. As the field of pangenome analysis has expanded, so has the need to fully understand the complexity of how eco-evolutionary dynamics shape pangenomes. Here, we describe current models of pangenome evolution and discuss their suitability and accuracy. We suggest that pangenomes are dynamic entities under constant flux, highlighting the influence of two-way interactions between pangenome and environment. New classifications of core and accessory genes are also considered, underscoring the need for continuous evaluation of nomenclature in a fast-moving field. We conclude that future models of pangenome evolution should incorporate eco-evolutionary dynamics to fully encompass their dynamic, changeable nature.

Current Opinion in Microbiology
Elizabeth A. Cummins
Elizabeth A. Cummins
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests include microbial genomics, pangenomes and AMR.